Ab workout A6W – There are lots of Android applications which you should install it on your own Android device. The first of them is Ab workout A6W that recently updated to latest version, Ab workout A6W 5.2.4. Ab workout A6W 5.2.4 should be downloaded from Android Market where the link can be acquired within this page. Meanwhile, below is detail inside of the app.
Features of Ab workout A6W 5.2.4 for Android
There are lots of features which you can find in Ab workout A6W 5.2.4. Here is full features of the app, including additional features in Ab workout A6W 5.2.4
Caynax Aerobic Weider Six - Caynax A6W - daily ab workout for perfect 6pack
(yet another great app from developers of Caynax Alarm Clock and Caynax HIIT)Application contains workout schedule to perform in 42 days - just 6 weeks, no shortcuts - known as Aerobic Weider Six (Aerobic Six of Weider).
Daily ab workout contains 6 exercises to perform everyday to get perfect 6pack.
Forget about push ups, sit ups, pull ups, squats etc. No need to go to gym. You can do this 6 pack abs workout at home.Text to speech engine is used during 6 pack workout.
Advanced high quality voices (like IVONA Text-to-Speech HQ or SVOX) are available on market - download them to use custom language accent.Notice.
This application shouldn't be used as personal trainer. Before You start training ask Your fitness instructor how You should perform each exercise.
If You have obesity problems You might not notice results of these exercises (flat stomach).
This workout was not designed to loose belly fat but to get flat, muscular abs/sixpack. If You want to burn body fat use Caynax HIIT app that provides support for interval workouts like Tabata and Fartlek.Application is supported by in-app ads. Give it a try and get perfect abs in just 6 weeks.
Check Privacy Policy for app permissions.
What’s new in Ab workout A6W 5.2.4
Run application after update.We have released new app that will help You burn body fat - search for \'Caynax HIIT\' on market.
Updated external projects that app uses: like left and upper navigation. Hopefully that will fix problems that some users had while clicking on workout day when app closed. Contact us if you still have such problems.
Interested to install Ab workout A6W 5.2.4 to your Android device? Just follow this link to download Ab workout A6W 5.2.4 directly in your Android gadget. You can obtain Ab workout A6W 5.2.4 apk too from other sites.
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